"How does the Full Moon Love Each Month?"
This is the question I asked back in 2020 that inspired this venture in crystal paintings. I mused that in January perhaps the moon celebrates being a light in the dark, and in September it could honor the balance of the days. I had a collection of Thirteen Canvases in a pile and for two years I mulled over this idea.
Finally, in the Summer of 2022 I sat down in front of my Twitch viewers to create some simple art with a focus on slowing down and cultivating joy.

Hot pink, crystal drawings, moon magic, and the promise of rainbows. This series of Thirteen Moon Paintings has been kicking around in my brain since winter of 2020, and it’s evolved into something three-year-old me would jump for joy about. Life has been moving at a mile a minute for me so slowing down to draw crystals on blisteringly pink canvases is good for me. I’m enjoying a project that is centered around fun and happiness rather than capturing the essence of something grandiose.
Each crystal painting is inspired by a different full moon and how that moon might shine its love on the Earth each season. The pastel crystals are painted in Gouache on Acrylic, specifically leftover hot pink paint from the key I made for the Festival of Faerie that year. The contrast between the hot pink and the pastel is somewhat blinding, but so is the Full Moon when it shines through my bedroom window.
These hot pink canvases with pastel crystals are a meditation on devotion.

First, I created a simple line drawing of each crystal and considered what to call the moon based on how I encounter the moon each month. I live in Colorado, so the Moons from the Farmer's Almanac are not always the most accurately names. They are based on a mashup of indigenous and settler names for the moon. If you are interested in this exercise check out my download on Patreon for this month. (more info at the end of this post).
Once I had a sense of all Thirteen Moons I created a "map" with all the crystals . I had only dabbled with gouache, and I'm still not 100% sold on the medium after this project so it was slow going.
This month I completed the "map" of all thirteen crystals and once I figure out how to seal the canvas I can begin the other 13 individual canvases. I'm not sure how this will spiral in or out into the big picture questions I was asking at the beginning of this post, but the project is bringing me joy and rest. For the moment this is enough and I am grateful.
Since their creation these paintings have been shown at the Pop! Gallery, Open Studios Boulder, and BMoCA's Open Wall. Originals are for sale in my store and now they are featured in a beautiful Art Zine for my patrons on Patreon.
Faces of the Moon Art Zine

This zine is currently only available to January Patrons on Patreon of the Khaleidoscope - Zine Club and above membership tiers. Join before the end of the month to secure your limited release of the Faces of the Moon Art Zine.
Interested in receiving Magickal Mail every month from my studio, including future zines?
The Khaleidoscope - Zine Club is $15.15 a month, includes monthly rewards like playlists and insider updates, and only has 12 spots left so join today!
Visit my Creative Coven on Patreon to join today. Unlock the Zine CLub tier for only $15.15 a month!
Want to read more? Check out my other Crystal Projects:
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