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TAROTSCOPES for Aries Season 2021

Each month we seek messages from the cards in the f form of TAROTSCOPES. This month the Goddess Tarot shared wisdoms for Aries Season.

Unlike traditional horoscopes which gift insight from the location of the stars and planets, Tarotscopes share wisdom from cards drawn from a Tarot Deck.

This year Tarotscopes will be drawn as the Sun enters a new sign each month, pulling one card for each Zodiac Sign, with the intention being focused on a message for Sun Sign placements:

What should we be paying attention to in the Month ahead?

Aries Season is a time of initiation and beginnings. With Aries we begin the cycle through the zodiac once again. In the Northern Hemisphere this coincides with Vernal Equinox and Ostara, the time when flowers begin to bloom and the days grow longer. The Sun transitions in Aries on Saturday, the 20th of March and will stay there through April 18th. Normally I draw cards with the Art Nouveau Tarot, however for this reading the Goddess Tarot was practically glowing on the shelf. I had to follow the enthusiasm of the cards and I am glad that I did. The Goddess Tarot brought big energy to the reading with Eight Major Arcana cards making an appearance.

The theme that appeared in this season's reading was to connect with your essence and take stock. Many signs received the message to step into Aries time as their highest self, acting with grace, wisdom, and compassion. Others were invited to take stock before diving into the next cycle.

I draw these cards in hopes of sparking your own reflection with your inner landscape, each draw an opportunity for the spark of Aha! Find your sign and see what bubbles up for you in the upcoming season based on the wisdom of the Tarot.

Find the Full Broadcast on my Twitch Channel or scroll down to find the insight for your specific Sun sign. The questions answered are based on your Sun Sign, and not necessarily the location of the stars on a given day. If you are unfamiliar with your Sun sign it is based on your birthday, and the rough dates for each sign is listed below. Or find your whole chart on amazing sites like

Aries Sun - 03/20-04/18

Insight Card: XX Judgement Gwenhwyfar & Queen of Staves

"Time for a major and necessary change in life: often frightening yet welcome in its magnitude. Confidence in this change." & "Intelligence applied to creating material goods, business expansion. Cleverness. A woman who embodies these ideas and inspires action.”

The winds of change are blowing again, dear Aries. What was revealed to you last season with the dreams of Pisces? It is time to move forward with those visions and bring them into reality, to overcome any fear or doubts that may be lingering. The Queen of Staves appears to remind you of your gifts; gifts that will help you manifest this season. You are a creator of beauty. You have the information you need to act wisely. Take time to embody your inspirations and step forward with confidence into your exalted time.

Watch the Full Reading from the Live Broadcast For Aries

Taurus Sun - 04/19-05/19

Insight Card: Ace of Pentacles & King of Swords

"The purest evocation of prosperity, fertility, and generosity." and "The ability to bring calm authority to a situation."

Taurus, move into this season embodying your inner Sovereign and you will be met with great gifts and abundance. Share your knowledge kindly and calmly, but don't try to sugar coat your advice. It is best to be concise. Last season you may have been confronted with many choices, so hopefully now, entering your days from an embodied and enthroned place, you can reap the rewards of your actions.

Watch the Full Reading from the Live Broadcast For Taurus

Gemini Sun - 05/20-06/20

Insight Card: Five of Staves & III Fertility Estsanatlehi

"Conflict for the sake of conflict. Ego-oriented" and "Feeling of fertility and abundance. A new relationship which celebrates ones growth. Creativity. Pregnancy."

Gemini, your dualistic personality may be in conflict this season. You may feel caught in your feelings, especially feelings of anger. You have a choice. You can follow your temper towards petty actions that serve only to add more fuel to the fire. Or you can follow the path presented by Estsanatlehi who offers growth and fertility. Anger is an indicator of action needed so use the stirred feelings to create something better, rather than to destroy.

Watch the Full Reading from the Live Broadcast For Gemini

Cancer Sun - 06/21-07/21

Insight Card: XII Sacrifice Kuan Yin

"A surrender to higher principles, higher goals. Taking care of others. Sacrifice in order to gain wisdom. Empathy."

How are you holding space for others at this time? Cancer you are often stereotyped as the mother, the caregiver, the hopeless empath. You may have been made to feel that this is an aspect of your personality that you need to overcome. And yet Kuan Yin is here to shine a light on the strengths and gifts that come from the position of giver. Soak in your generous essence and watch how this flows out into your relationships and community to heal the space of those around you. Knowing when and where to lend a helping hand is your super power.

Watch the Full Reading from the Live Broadcast For Cancer

Leo Sun - 7/22-8/21

Insight Card : VII Movement Rhiannon

"Movement into the next phase of life. If you are feeling impatient, don't worry; transitions will go smoothly. Career advancement. Good timing!"

Leo find the open space and move towards what makes you free. The swift horse of Rhiannon is here to guide you forward, sweeping you into a new phase. Flow with the momentum. Watch for the doors that are open. You are moving towards wonder and possibilities in Aries Season.

Watch the Full Reading from the Live Broadcast For Leo

Virgo Sun - 8/22-9/21

Insight Card: Queen of Cups

"Mastery of all that Venus and the cups represents- art, beauty, intimacy, love. The ability to express love. Her regal mysterious being inspires people to look within."

Virgo this season you have an opportunity to gracefully move through your emotions. What is no longer serving you? What are you're ready to let go of? Shed these things with ease this month and revel in the knowledge that you are growing and evolving. There is no need to shout it from the rooftops. This can be your secret worthiness. Dance under the Full Moon knowing that you are good and whole.

Watch the Full Reading from the Live Broadcast For Virgo

Libra Sun - 9/22-10/22

Insight Card: X Fortune Lakshmi

"The generosity of the universe. The ability to be open to abundance. Positive expectations."

Libra, turn your eyes towards Beauty this season. It is in your nature to see the beauty in things and to desire a more beautiful world. There are plenty of ugly and terrible things to focus on, and yet Lakshmi invites you to shift focus to the beauty around you instead. This is where your power can be cultivated in Aries Season. Feel into abundance of good and beautiful opportunities around you.

Watch the Full Reading from the Live Broadcast For Libra

Scorpio Sun - 10/23- 11/21

Insight Card: XIII Transformation Ukemochi

"Fear of change. Resisting transformation."

What fear is holding you back at this time dear Scorpio? Change and transformation are an integral part of who you are and yet you may be feeling some hesitation. It is time to reclaim your inner alchemy and move through your fears. Be gentle with yourself, as there has been a lot of change this year, so even you may be feeling reticent to continue transforming. Ask for help if needed. Transformation is likely to lead to a great harvest.

Watch the Full Reading from the Live Broadcast For Scorpio

Sagittarius Sun - 11/22-12/20

Insight Card: Four of Cups reversed & Nine of Pentacles reversed

"Acceptance of the situation, though discontent is still present. A passing phase." and "Overindulgence in material pleasures. Guilt over having so much; inability to enjoy it."

Sagittarius both of your cards this season come with a warning of overindulgence. The deck felt it was so important to caution you against using too much that it sent two cards forward as messenger. Last season you may have felt some scarcity as you overcame some obstacles, so it is no surprise that you may be tempted to swing too far the other direction and over correct into indulgence. Some celebration is important, but it becomes wasteful or harmful it is time to reassess what will actually serve you. Take measures to learn what makes you feel good and then pause there.

Watch the Full Reading from the Live Broadcast For Sagittarius

Capricorn Sun - 12/21-01/20

Insight Card: VIII Justice Athena

"The need to take a more detached viewpoint of a troublesome situation. The ability to defend oneself so that justice may be done."

Capricorn, the stage is set for you to take stock and make things right. Use Aries season to find some perspective that you can find the words and actions that will help move you through troubling situations. You may need to move yourself physically through travel, or you may need to unplug and draw yourself back energetically. You are worthy, and so do what needs to be done to protect yourself.

Watch the Full Reading from the Live Broadcast For Capricorn

Aquarius Sun - 01/19-02/17

Insight Card: V Tradition Juno

"Following established social structures and traditions. A declaration of intentions for the sake of security."

Juno is here to invite a greater sense of Security into your life this season, Aquarius. As the innovator of the Zodiac you often rail against tradition, and yet these traditions were often created to bring a greater sense of safety into our lives. Which of these traditions will serve you at this time? Find your ground and then use this rooted position to bring security into your finances, your relationships, and your home, dear Aquarius.

Watch the Full Reading from the Live Broadcast For Aquarius

Pisces Sun - 02/18 -03/19

Insight Cards: Nine of Staves & Four of Pentacles reversed

"A pause in work to reconsider plans. Completion is so close and yet so far away!" and "Possibility of being miserly. Possibility of being overly generous. Need to protect resources."

Pisces, use this season to do a little bit of editing and make sure everything is in its right place before moving forward. You may be eager to complete whatever it is you have been working on, but don't be too hasty. Taking time to double check will serve you well, allowing you to use your resources wisely. Thankfully, you are in a secure position where there is time and space to take this moment for grounding.

Watch the Full Reading from the Live Broadcast For Pisces


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  • Wednesday 1:30pm MST

  • Thursday 10:30am MST

  • Friday 1:30pm MST

  • Every Full Moon.

  • TAROTSCOPES at the beginning of each Zodiac signs season.

  • Free to watch!

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