I stumbled across the March Meet the Maker at the tail end of last years challenge and I’m excited to have been participating from the beginning this year. Everyday for the month of March you can tune into my Instagram page, @magick_socks, for insights into my artistic practice. And its also been a fun and interesting way to engage with other artists all over the world and see what makes them tick. Anyone can participate so if you want to share as well feel free to jump in with the prompts below!

The Challenge was created by Joanne Hawker to help get her out of a creative rut on Instagram. I’ve been feeling a little sticky with my relationship to social media as well and this challenge has been the perfect remedy.
#MarchMeetTheMaker is a 31 day Instagram Challenge, set by Joanne Hawker (and solely Joanne!) that runs throughout March every year. But it’s more than just a challenge, it’s a creative community that comes together to show people what they can do. It’s about building each other up, making new connections, telling your small business story, growing your confidence (and Instagram following) and most importantly, it’s about putting yourself out there. (From the Website)
Be sure to follow my instagram @magick_socks
Here are a couple posts from this years challenge:

Find all the posts from @marchmeetthemaker 2018
on my instagram:@magick_socks