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Writer's pictureKhiri Lee

HeArt Zines at The Body Now Summer Retreat

I am honored to be returning to the Body Now Summer Retreat hosted by Turning the Wheel, after a year hiatus, June 23rd – 29th.


The theme for this year’s retreat is “Path of the Heart,” which resonates so strongly with me at this time in my life. When i’m in my creative process I am fairly attuned to letting my intuition and joy guide me to paint, to dance, to collage, and/or to create something meaningful that brings me joy. However, in many other areas of my life I let my gut and mind take the reins, which often lands me in situations that not only fail to serve me, but also fail to serve the greater community.

Taking time in the restorative community of summer retreat, with the intention of deepening into listening to my heart path sounds so nourishing I can hardly wait two more weeks!

As part of the retreat I am co-leading a Creative Play Workshop with my friend and mentor Dodi Jackson. Over the course of four days we will be guiding an intimate group of participants in the creation of their very own Mixed Media HeArt Zine. Influenced by my own zine adventures with THRIFTWITCH and 52 Feathers, I felt called to develop a creative play that pushed the form a zine. Zines are an exciting tool for getting your personal message out in the world without have to go through formal channels. So what would a zine look like that had been created with the voice of the heart in the pilot seat?What sort of message would we receive?

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The project went through many fun and interesting iterations before landing on what Dodi and I will be sharing at the Body Now Summer Retreat. I had such a wonderful time adapting what I’ve learned from writing and creating my zines into a multi media art project, creating something that someone of any level could participate in. I also always cherish the opportunity to develop, experiment, play, and create with my friend Dodi, who brought her own wisdom to the design process for the playshop.

Experience the joy of your artistic process with the creation of your own, one of a kind, HeArt Zine, which is a small folded booklet filled with collage and words. Through a gently guided process we will unlock secret messages from our heart space to share. Using beautiful papers, found images, Wordpools and a gesso process, we will create a collage which will magically fold into a play space for our words to land. Let’s find out what our hearts have to say! 

Here are a few sneak peeks of the process and final results. Obviously each zine created over the course of the workshop will be a magnificently variation on what I’m presenting here, but I really love the samples I made to get the ball rolling.

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Last minute sign ups for the retreat are still available! Its a truly magical week of play, meditation, art making, community gathering, and personal growth! You can learn EVEN more about the event on the Turning the Wheel Website.

THE BODY NOW SUMMER RETREAT The “Path of the Heart” June 23rd- 29th, 2019  On Whidbey Island, WA
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