Moonstone Collection | 52 Facets Zine Bundle
The Moonstone Zine Bundle includes the four Moonstone sisters to support your rituals for connecting to magick, the moon, and the crystal kingdom. Moonstone is an amazing crystal that shimmers with a unique pearlescence. Dive deep with this mystic crystal family with the Moonstone Bundle featuring Peach Moonstone, White Moonstone, Rainbow Moonstone, and Black Moonstone. Every issue includes an invocation and deep dive into myth & ritual. In this collection: RAINBOW MOONSTONE: Creative Magick with Maiden Goddesses of the Moon. WHITE MOONSTONE: Moon cycles and Revolutionary Self Care. BLACK MOONSTONE: Connecting with Shadow and Crone Moon Goddesses PEACH MOONSTONE: Manifesting with Mother Moon Goddesses ( These zines are from the 2020 series 52 facets, a magickal zine featuring a different crystal ally, weaving together art, myth, medicine, and ritual. Written and Created by Artist Khiri Lee Each Zine is printed, handcrafted, folded, and pasted by yours truly. Due to the nature of the product imperfections in the edges and folds may exist. Each zine is 5.5" x 4" Printed on High Gloss Paper