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The GoodBox: An Artistic Collaboration with Turning the Wheel

Last spring I partnered with Turning the Wheel (TTW), a non profit dedicated to building community through creative expression,  to create “The Good Box,” a magical deck of cards with little notes of goodness on each one. The deck  was designed using snippets of art I had created over the past three years. The sayings came from the loving genius of Holly Lewis, who created the first good box from scratch a few years ago. At TTW we all felt the idea was so simple, brilliant, and fun that it had to be shared with everyone, so we got to work and ended up with this wonderful deck of mini-cards.


I’ve already heard some great stories from people who have been enjoying their deck. One friend keeps a deck in his truck, and before he leaves for a job he draws a card to come back into his body. Another was given to a local doctors office, and when the giver returned, the receptionist insisted she drew a card before sitting down to wait for her appointment. I like to share them at family gatherings and love seeing the reactions people have to the sweet little sayings on the cards. Reading the sentences about goodness never fails to leave a smile on a the readers face.

For the whole month of February, TTW and I celebrated with the “Month of Goodness” Campaign. Individuals could sign up and receive snippets of goodness in their inbox each day. The campaign included TTW activities, positive quotes, beautiful art from members of the TTW National Team, and fun videos. You can check out some of the posts from the first week here. TTW plans to do the campaign again, so if you are sad to have missed it – No Worries! You can sign up for the next round here, it’s free.

Or you can buy your very own Goodbox! I’m so thrilled to have a product that people can take home and enjoy over and over again. If you decide to pick one up let me know what you think!

The Goodbox Banner (4)
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