Every issue of 52 Feathers includes original art from prints that I create in my own studio. To celebrate being half way through my 52 Feathers zine project i’ve created a collection of some of my favorite paintings and turned them into a plethora of amazing products over on Society6.

I’ve included prints from Hummingbird, Eagle, Heron, Bluebird, Dove, Goldfinch, Sparrow and Nightingale. I love being able to bring the magical colors from the pages of 52 Feathers into a larger context so that they can be enjoyed all over the home.

Society6 is a print-on-demand site with hundreds of nifty products. Artists from all over the world participate and I’m excited to include some of my art alongside all these creatives. And, since I posted my last collection, Full Moon, they’ve added even more fun things that you can have my art printed on, including lawn furniture and wrapping paper!

Pop on over to Society6 and take a look. Treat yourself to some color for the summer or take a moment to like (by clicking on the little heart) some of my products so I can feel the love!