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Joy Journal – A Capsule of My Time at Summer Retreat 2017

For the past several years I have attended “The Body Now” Summer Retreat as a lead facilitator for Turning the Wheel. It has become a time for me grow in my leadership skills and to rest into my self so that I can step back into the world bright and inspired. This year was no different and the I feel filled to the brim with joyous energy. I’m ready world. Watch out!

As part of the week of moving, playing, learning, breathing, connecting, and dancing we all have the opportunity to express ourselves through art. This years art project was to create a journal and the supplies and options were simply abundant. Each day I made several art pages that captured glimpses from the meditations and learnings of the week. My journal was quite expansive by the end. I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite pages from the week.


I chose this page for my cover


This page continued to evolve throughout the week.


I had the blissful opportunity to work on this while others were singing and dancing nearby. It was lovely.


A bag of tricks to keep me going forward. Stamping feathers might be my new favorite thing.


The only page with writing captured words from an exercise called “5 Years Forward”

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